Book of Demons (2018)


Book of Demons is a Hack & Slash Deck-building hybrid video game that allows players to determine the length of their quests. The player wields magic cards instead of weapons as they battle against the armies of darkness in dungeons below an Old Cathedral. It is up to the player to save the Paperverse from being taken over by an Archdemon.

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows),Mac,PlayStation 4,Xbox One,Nintendo Switch

Release date: 2018-12-13

All about game Book of Demons

Book of Demons is a unique video game that combines the classic Hack and Slash Adventure genre with Deck-Building mechanics. The dark theme is reminiscent of classic PC ARPGs, like Diablo and Baldur's Gate. Players take on the role of a character in the world of Paperverse who must battle their way through an evil dungeon full of monsters and traps to save their world from destruction.

The game has many features that make it stand out from other similar games. For example, instead of playing in real-time, Book Of Demons offers players a "Flexiscope" system where they can adjust the speed at which battles unfold allowing them to plan their strategy more effectively. Additionally, each level has its own set of rules and challenges so no two playthroughs are ever alike!

Players build their decks using cards acquired by slaying monsters or finding loot throughout dungeons. Each card comes with different abilities such as healing spells or special attacks ensuring hours upon hours spent customizing your deck to suit your play style! There are also various artifacts available that provide bonuses over specific enemies creating an extra layer to combat strategies!

Overall, Book Of Demons is a great experience for anyone looking for something different from traditional hack and slash titles while still retaining all the elements we love about these types of games; intense action sequences combined with strategic thinking makes this one title you'll want to keep coming back to time after time!

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