Daymare: 1998 (2020)


Daymare: 1998 is a third person survival horror game developed in Unreal Engine 4 for Windows PC. It features high-end graphics, an original soundtrack, and an immersive atmosphere that harkens back to beloved old school survival horror games of the '90s. Players will have access to hardcore survival mechanics and many connections with landmark brands of the era as they explore the terrifying world of Daymare: 1998.

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows),PlayStation 4,Xbox One

Release date: 2020-04-28

All about game Daymare: 1998

Daymare: 1998 is a highly anticipated third person survival horror game developed in Unreal Engine 4 for Windows PC. Developed by Invader Studios, the game was recently announced and it promises to deliver an intense horror experience with its high-end graphics, original soundtrack, immersive atmosphere and hardcore survival mechanics. The over the shoulder camera view also adds to the tension as you explore the mysterious world of Daymare: 1998.

The developers have said that they wanted to create a unique experience that pays homage to some of the beloved old school survival horror games while also adding their own twists and turns. As such, there will be many connections between Daymare: 1998 and '90s landmark brands which fans of classic games are sure to appreciate.

In terms of gameplay, players can expect plenty of puzzles to solve as well as combat challenges where quick reflexes are essential for success. There will also be various weapons available which can be used against enemies such as mutated creatures or members of an elite security force known as HADES; these encounters promise to be especially intense due to their unpredictable nature! Additionally, there will be several different endings based on player's choices throughout the game so no two playthroughs should ever feel exactly alike. Overall, Daymare: 1998 looks set to make waves in both gaming circles and beyond when it releases later this year; with its combination of classic elements from past titles coupled with modern visuals and features there's something here for everyone - whether you're a fan of horror games or not!

Trailer and video with Daymare: 1998

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