Overboard! (2021)


Overboard! is a highly replayable detective game from the creators of 80 Days and Heaven's Vault. Set in July, 1935 on a cruise ship out from New York, you play as a murderer attempting to get away with your crime. You must use all your cunning, coercion and charisma to ensure that somebody else takes the fall for what you've done. The gameplay involves blackmailing spies, falling in love or murdering rivals; cheating at cards or drugging witnesses; lying, befriending or betraying people; sneaking around, seducing others and stealing whatever you can find. With clues, evidence suspects and accusations abound - it'll take all your wit and guile to save yourself from taking the blame!

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows),Mac,Android,iOS,Nintendo Switch

Release date: 2021-06-02

All about game Overboard!

July 1935, a murder has been committed aboard the SS Hook. The only problem is that you are the one who did it. But can you get away with it?

This is the premise of Overboard!, a unique video game set in an alternate universe where players must find ways to cover up their crime and evade suspicion while on board a luxury cruise ship. The game starts off as soon as your character commits murder on the ship, and from there you must use your wits and cunning to stay out of trouble.

Throughout the course of gameplay, players will be presented with challenging puzzles and scenarios that require quick thinking in order to survive each situation. Additionally, they will have access to various tools such as lockpicking or manipulating objects around them in order to create distractions or hide evidence of their crime. As these tasks become increasingly difficult, players will need to think outside-the-box if they want any chance at making it off alive without being caught!

While playing Overboard!, gamers can also enjoy a captivating story filled with suspenseful twists and turns along the way - perfect for those looking for an intense yet thrilling experience! Alongside this gripping narrative comes stunning visuals which further bring life into this mysterious world; ensuring complete immersion for all those brave enough to join your cause!

So if you’re ready for an unforgettable adventure – why not give Overboard! A try today? It may just be your ticket off this dreadful boat… but don’t forget: when it comes down to getting away with murder - discretion is key!

Trailer and video with Overboard!

All sources for game Overboard!


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