Hamsterdam (2019)


Hamsterdam is an exciting, action-packed video game in which players take on the role of Pimm the hamster hero. As Pimm, players must travel through districts and use their martial arts prowess to defeat Marlo and his Vermin Gang. Along their journey, they must save Grandpa and restore peace to Hamsterdam by executing rhythm combos with flawless precision. Players will be immersed in a heart-pounding thrill ride as they fight through levels with fast-paced action using Hamster-Fu!

Platforms: PC (Microsoft Windows),Mac,Android,iOS,Nintendo Switch

Release date: 2019-08-01

All about game Hamsterdam

Introducing Hamsterdam - an innovative video game that combines classic arcade brawling mechanics with tap and swipe martial arts combos. Set in the mean streets of Hamsterdam, you play as a brave hamster who must use their mastery of 'Hamster-fu' to defeat evil Chinchilla Marlo and restore justice to the city.

Hamsterdam is a fast-paced action game where rhythm and precision are key. You'll need to master both timing and accuracy if you want to stand any chance against your enemies. Using quick taps and swipes, you'll need to perform powerful martial arts combos that will knock out your opponents in no time! There's also some good old fashioned button mashing thrown into the mix as well; perfect for those looking for a more traditional arcade experience.

The world of Hamsterdam is full of characters who range from cute to downright crazy; each one bringing something new to the table with their unique designs, personalities and movesets – making every encounter fresh and fun! Alongside these characters there are also plenty of powerups, collectables and secrets scattered throughout the levels which can help give you an edge when fighting tougher foes.

In addition to its exciting gameplay elements, Hamsterdam also features vibrant visuals combined with retro 16 bit style graphics that bring its unique universe alive in ways never seen before on mobile devices! The music too is top notch; catchy beats add another layer of atmosphere while giving players something extra lively when they're busy battling it out on screen!

So what are you waiting for? Grab your controller or touchscreen device (or both!) And join our hero on his quest through Hamsterdam – it’s time show everyone just how strong your “Hamster-fu” really is!

Trailer and video with Hamsterdam

All sources for game Hamsterdam


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